sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

O que é para si a área peri-urbana da cidade de Lisboa?

Foi este o tema que levou ao Encontro do dia 20 de Setembro, no IST, em Lisboa, diversas pessoas, incluindo investigadores que têm como missão desenvolver o tema durante os próximos 30 meses.!

Caso esteja interessado em colaborar, poderá inscrever-se no site do projecto.
Aqui também estamos interessados em ouvir a sua opinião sobre o que é e como deveria ser utilizada.
Aceita o desafio?

quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012

Protected areas have increased to cover one fifth of Europe’s land

European Environment Agency (EEA)

Protected areas have increased to cover one fifth of Europe’s land

More than 21 % of the land has some kind of protected status in the 39 countries which work with the European Environment Agency (EEA). However, only 4 % of the sea controlled by countries of the European Union is included within the Natura 2000 network of protected areas, according to a new report from the EEA.

domingo, 21 de outubro de 2012

sessão de esclarecimento - reflorestação de áreas ardidas

sessão de esclarecimento - reflorestação de áreas ardidas
Local: Freguesia do Moledo
Data: 25 de Outubro de 2012
Organização: Lourambi

sensibilizar os proprietários das áreas ardidas do planalto das Cezaredas para uma reflorestação equilibrada

terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2012

Workshop Engenharia Natural

Workshop Engenharia Natural
Centro Ecológico Educativo do Paul de Tornada

24 de julho de 2012


  • 10h00 - Receção
  • 10h30 - Mesa redonda
  • Moderador - Helder Careto (GEOTA)
  • Joanaz de Melo (GEOTA)
  • Fernando Tinta Ferreira (Câmara Municipal Caldas da Rainha) *
  • Paula Almeida (Câmara Municipal Caldas da Rainha)
  • Henrique Teresa (Junta Freguesia de Tornada) *
  • João Carlos Farinha (Instituto Conservação Natureza e das Florestas)
  • Aldo Freitas (WALLMURO)
  • Carlos Baptista (Leader Oeste)
  • 12h00 - Debate
  • 12h45 - Encerramento dos trabalhos

Objetivos: Promover boas práticas na gestão de zonas húmidas e ribeiras com técnicas de engenharia
natural e conservação da natureza.

Destinatários: Técnicos ligados à gestão de espaços verdes e rurais. Associações de defesa do ambiente.
Estudantes universitários.

* - por confirmar

Organização: GEOTA
Apoios: Associação PATO; Reserva Natural Local do Paul de Tornada;  ICNF; Câmara Municipal de Caldas da Rainha; Junta de Freguesia de Tornada; BES

segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012

LIFE and invertebrate conservation - nova publicação

LIFE and invertebrate conservation

May 2012 - 56 pages
Invertebrates are a very diverse group of species that extend over all environments, ranging from mountains to seas. They provide valuable ecosystems services, from pollination to the control of agricultural pests and also act as important environmental indicators (for instance of water quality in rivers, a function of freshwater pearl mussels). Yet, despite their importance and prevalence, there is a lack of knowledge about many invertebrates, resulting in a lack of care and conservation.
Furthermore, the sheer number of threatened invertebrate species in Europe alone makes it difficult to target them through direct conservation action. As a result, the LIFE programme has tended to focus its funding on strengthening habitat security and conservation in order to support biodiversity richness and ecosystems health. This new LIFE Focus publication offers key practical examples of this approach – ranging from projects that manage agricultural land in a way that is favourable for rare butterfly species; to projects ensuring that ancient forests contain appropriate quantities of decaying wood and associated debris for saproxylic beetles. The publication also features examples from across the EU of how LIFE restoration actions have benefitted other groups of invertebrates, such as bees, dragonflies, snails and various freshwater and marine species.
Download Download: LIFE and invertebrate conservation
pdf (~7 MB) 

quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012

Estágio Nível 6,7 ou 8, Área Sustentabilidade / Comunicação

Estágio Nível 6,7 ou 8, Área Sustentabilidade / Comunicação
Exigências: Licenciatura em Ambiente, Ordenamento do Território ou Arquitectura, com complemento de comunicação, ou de Comunicação com complemento nas áreas anteriores

Ler mais...

segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Farmers evaluate measures to reduce soil erosion and water pollution

Farmers evaluate measures to reduce soil erosion and water pollution
Farmers have collaborated with scientists in France to evaluate agri-environmental measures that reduce soil erosion and surface water pollution at a catchment level. The exercise helped the farmers understand the benefits of the measures and provides an example of how policymakers could engage with stakeholders under the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012

Reduzir o custo com chamadas de Telemóvel? Pergunte-nos como.

Exclusivo para os associados do GEOTA, amigos e familiares:

Modalidade 1 - Mensalidade 5€ (inclui voz e sms entre todos os cartões que aderirem)
Chamadas para outra redes nacionais 0,09 cent.
20€ de plafond para equipamento

Modalidade 2 - Mensalidade 12,50€ (inclui voz e sms entre todos os cartões que aderirem)
Chamadas para outras redes 0,08 cent.
50€ de plafond para equipamento

Ah! E dissemos que na mesma rede de amigos o custo das chamadas é 
ZERO? Esta é uma chamada a não perder! 

Contacte-nos até 15 Abril para 213956120 / 962602680 ou e peça os seus impressos para aderir.

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

O Consumo e a Sociedade do Desperdício

Vivemos uma grave crise económica e de valores motivada por um consumismo sem sentido que tem efeitos sociais e ambientais desastrosos e que lentamente nos conduz ao abismo. A única justificação para este consumismo excessivo é o crescimento da economia porque não contribui para o acréscimo do nosso bem-estar nem da nossa felicidade.

Precisamos adequar os nossos hábitos e consumir para satisfazer as necessidades essenciais ao nosso bem-estar, e não viver atolados num excesso de produtos que não trazem felicidade e representam um desperdício absoluto de recursos sem sentido.
 Vivemos o quotidiano encurralados entre as exigências do mercado de trabalho e os ditames da publicidade e do mercado de consumo, o que nos obriga a um gasto contínuo excessivo para manter a aparência da modernidade, da juventude e da novidade. Nesta insatisfeição permanente, buscamos incessantemente objectos não essenciais, ficando com uma pequena margem de manobra para a felicidade, identidade e realização pessoal.Temos a obrigação de ser consumidores conscientes e atentos a todas as implicações sociais, económicas e ambientais de cada gesto de consumo, nomeadamente à decadência actual de todos os ciclos de vida provocada pelo excesso de consumo.

Temos de exigir
 empresas responsáveis e campanhas éticas que respeitem os consumidores através da transparência, sustentabilidade, rigor e sentido cívico dos bens que promovem. Essa consciência ética deve ultrapassar os aspectos ligados à gestão ambiental das empresas e abranger o desenvolvimento sustentável e a solidariedade intergeracional.

O consumo excessivo está a ameaçar o planeta e a humanidade e não é socialmente justo porque é mal distruibuído. É urgente pensar um novo modelo de desenvolvimento. Temos de ponderar as nossas responsabilidades com as futuras gerações e repensar o nosso papel no mundo e na sociedade e aprender a viver melhor com menos. A mudança começa por nós e por pequenos gestos de redução do consumo diário, redução da produção de resíduos, e de repensar o nosso papel na sociedade: Somos na verdade cidadãos ou meros Consumidores?

Esta é a nossa comunicação em celebração do Dia Mundial dos Direitos do Consumidor, 15 de Março. 

sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012

Assembleia Geral


Nos termos estatutários e regulamentares, convocam-se todos os associados do GEOTA para a Assembleia Geral Ordinária que terá lugar no próximo dia 24 de março de 2012, às 14h30, no auditório do edifício sede do Corpo Nacional de Escutas, Rua D Luís I, nº 34, em Lisboa, com a seguinte ordem de trabalhos:
1.    Relatório de Atividades e Contas 2011
2.    Substituição na Comissão Executiva
3.    Plano estratégico plurianual e estratégia de fundraising
4.    Plano de Atividades e Orçamento 2012
5.    Aprovação de protocolos
6.    Adesão a agências de energia
7.    Aprovação de associados efetivos
8.    Aprovação de novo logótipo para o GEOTA
No caso de não estarem presentes em primeira convocatória o número suficiente de associados com direito a voto, nos termos regulamentares, a Assembleia reunirá em segunda convocatória, 30 minutos depois da hora marcada, no mesmo local, com qualquer número de associados presentes.
Com os melhores cumprimentos e saudações ambientalistas.

Lisboa, 5 de Março de 2012
A Presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral

Maria da Conceição da Costa Martins
Nota: Só têm direito de voto os associados com quotas em dia

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012

GEOTA's Facebook

O GEOTA tem várias páginas temáticas do Facebook ao V/ dispor, para as quais agradecemos ajuda na sua divulgação, recomendação, gosto, ou a postar notícias. Em geral têm sempre um blogue associado. São elas: GEOTA - Grupo de Estudos de Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente, página institucional no Facebook; O Meu Eco-Sistema, projecto dedicada à cidadania e promoção de boas práticas na salvaguarda da qualidade ambiental do espaço público;Coastwatch, projecto dedicado à monitorização ambiental da faixa costeira e a educação ambiental para a sustentabilidade; Biodivercidade - GEOTA, para a promoção de conceitos ligados à valorização da biodiversidade na cidade; GEOTALUPA, uma página dedicada a divulgar informação genérica sobre a actividade do GEOTA e as suas posições, para além de informação geral sobre o ambiente; Rios Livres - sem mais barragens, dedicada à campanha contra o plano nacional de barragens; Passa Palavra, dedicada à educação ambiental dos mais novos, derivada do projecto com o mesmo nome; TTTpraQ, uma página destinada a promover o debate relativo à terceira travessia sobre o Tejo; CEEPT sobre o Centro Ecológico Educativo do Paul de Tornada Prof. João Evangelista, uma unidade de apoio e interpretação à Reserva Natural Local do Paul de Tornada, perto de Caldas da Rainha. Estão ao vosso dispor, convidamos a usarem.

terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012

sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012

Sobreiro árvore nacional

A Assembleia da República reconheceu o sobreiro como árvore nacional de Portugal, de acordo com o Diário da República do dia 10 de Fevereiro de 2012.

Ver diploma

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Some forest soils still to recover from acidification by air pollutants

Sulphur and nitrogen emissions have been significantly reduced across Europe in recent decades, but a recent study from Sweden finds that some forest soils are still struggling to recover from the acidifying effects of the pollutants. Some areas are also at risk of nitrogen leaching from soils into surface waters. 

When the air pollutants sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are deposited back to the ground, they contribute to acidification of soils and surface water, damaging terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Sweden produces relatively little air pollution itself, but is on the receiving end of long-range transport of emissions from the UK and the European continent (in addition to ship emissions from the North Sea and Baltic Sea). Efforts to reduce air pollution in Europe have resulted in a decrease of sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions over the period 1997-2008. Air concentrations of these pollutants in Sweden have fallen in line with reductions of European emissions.

In this study, records of over 50 forest monitoring sites across Sweden were examined to determine air pollutant concentrations, deposition of sulphur and nitrogen and soil water chemistry over time, concentrating on the period 1996-2008.

For both sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, air concentrations decreased. The total deposition of sulphur declined in the majority of the forest monitoring sites during the 12 year period 1997-2008, and rates varied between north and south. Deposition was greatest in the southwest, and gradually diminished towards the northeast.

Over the study period, sulphur deposition rates decreased the most in southwest Sweden where they were highest at the start of the period. Between 1997 and 2008 , sulphur deposition decreased between 22% and 67% for different forest sites, which is in line with the 49 % reduction in European sulphur dioxide emissions during this time.
Patterns of nitrogen deposition, measured on open field, were similar to that of sulphur deposition across Sweden, with highest levels recorded in the southwest decreasing towards the northeast. Analysis of the trends of nitrogen deposition on open field between 1997 to 2008 demonstrated that although the concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the air had dropped substantially, there was no significant decline in the deposition of nitrogen.

The concentration of sulphur in soil water tended to be higher in the south of Sweden compared with the north of the country, although there were considerable differences locally, particularly in the south. Sulphur in soil water was reduced significantly on more than half the sites during 1997-2008. Measurements revealed that soil water was more acidic in the southwest but showed decreasing acidity along a gradient towards the north. Several sites in the south had extremely acidic soil water towards the end of the time period (during 2006 to 2008).

Despite the reduction of sulphur in soil water and although some southern sites showed recovery from acid conditions during the period 1996/97- 2007/08, many other sites showed little change in acidity, indicating slow progress in recovery and return to less acidic soil conditions.

The increased levels of nitrogen deposition have resulted in higher levels of nitrogen found in soil water. The southwest of Sweden is particularly at risk of nitrogen leaching from soils into surface waters as levels of nitrogen reach saturation point.

Source: Karlsson, G.P., Akselsson, C., Hellsten, S., Karlsson, P.E. (2011) Reduced European emissions of S and N - Effects on air concentrations, deposition and soil water chemistry in Swedish forests. Environmental Pollution. 159: 3571-3582.

sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012

Asthma Rate and Costs from Traffic Pollution Higher

Asthma Rate and Costs from Traffic Pollution Higher: Much Higher Than Past Traditional Risk Assessments Have Indicated

ScienceDaily (Jan. 25, 2012) — A research team led by University of Massachusetts Amherst resource economist Sylvia Brandt, with colleagues in California and Switzerland, have revised the cost burden sharply upward for childhood asthma and for the first time include the number of cases attributable to air pollution, in a study released this week in the early online version of the European Respiratory Journal.

The total cost of asthma due to pollution is much higher than past traditional risk assessments have indicated and there is growing evidence that exposure to traffic-related air pollution is a cause of asthma and a trigger for attacks, so it should be included, say the authors. They conducted the study in Long Beach and Riverside, Calif., communities with high regional air pollution levels and large roads near residential neighborhoods.
Total additional asthma-specific costs there due to traffic-related pollution is about $18 million per year, almost half of which is due to new asthma cases caused by pollution, they report. Brandt worked with researchers at the University of Basel, Switzerland, Sonoma Technology, Inc. and the University of Southern California.
Using updated techniques that count asthma cases attributable to air pollution for the first time and including a broader range of health care costs such as parents’ missed work days, extra doctor visits and travel time along with prescriptions, the researchers found that a single episode of bronchitic symptoms cost an average $972 in Riverside and $915 in Long Beach. Bronchitic symptoms (daily cough, congestion or phlegm, or bronchitis for three months in a row) are a critical outcome for children with asthma.
Further, people who live in cities with high traffic-related air pollution bear a higher burden of these costs than those in less polluted areas, they say.
Brandt and colleagues say the total annual cost for a typical asthma case was $3,819 in Long Beach and $4,063 in Riverside, and “the largest share of the cost of an asthma case was the indirect cost of asthma-related school absences.” School absences are an important economic consequence, they add, because “they often lead to parents or caregivers missing work.”
Overall, Brandt points out that the results are relevant and applicable to many settings and “families with children who have asthma are bearing a high cost. The total annual estimate between $3,800 and $4,000 represents 7 percent of median household income in our study in these two communities. This is troublesome because that is higher than the 5 percent considered to be a bearable or sustainable level of health care costs for a family.”
Riverside and Long Beach account for about 7 percent of the total population of California, the authors say, which suggests that state-wide costs of asthma related to air pollution are “truly substantial.”
For this work, Brandt and colleagues analyzed several surveys on health care visits by children with asthma and their previous estimates of the number of asthma cases attributable to pollution to estimate the annual costs of childhood asthma. They also estimated the cost of asthma exacerbation due to regional air pollutants. They feel the new method does a better job of accounting for the full impact of traffic-related pollution and will be widely applicable in urban areas.
She points out, “Traditional risk assessment methods for air pollution have underestimated both the overall burden of asthma and the cost of the disease associated with air pollution. Our findings suggest the cost has been substantially underestimated and steps must be taken to reduce the burden of traffic-related pollution.”
This work was supported by California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District and its settlement funds from BP, as well as by the U.S. National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Hastings Foundation.

quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2012

segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012

EEA - Interactive water maps updated

Interactive water maps updated

Interactive maps displaying data on surface and groundwater bodies across Europe have been updated by the European Environment Agency (EEA). They include summary statistics at country and river basin district level. The data comes from River Basin Management Plans reported by Member States to the Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Currently, 22 Member States have submitted this information.
A new feature includes information on parameters such as the status of the fish population and other ecological factors used for classifying the individual water bodies, alongside information on types of pressures affecting the water body. Users need to zoom in and click on the water body of interest to view these parameters. For rivers, information at water body level is currently only displayed for 11 countries (AT, BU, CZ, DE, EL, FI, FR, NL, SE, SK, UK).

The EEA has also published: